Office Manager
Hi! I'm Amy and you can always find a dachshund on my lap! My first dachshund, June Bug, was diagnosed with IVDD in 2016. We were able to regain her mobility from acupuncture after being paralyzed for over 5 months! I also have Chloe, a 3-year-old dachshund from the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. My animal experience ranges from animal welfare in shelters, physical rehab in hydrotherapy, and Pet-CPR certified pet sitting. I’m originally from Northern Virginia and in December 2019 I was eager to continue my career with animals at Muddy Branch Veterinary Center. The work as an Office Manager changes daily, it’s always keeping me on my toes! In 2018, I received my Bachelor’s in Psychology from West Virginia University. This education helps me utilize skills between client service relations and management roles. My hobbies when I’m not working include cooking, yoga, and taking care of my houseplants!